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Water Well Testing Frequency and Other Details

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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All homes require a healthy, safe drinking water source, and for homes that draw their water from a water well, this means testing is a vital element to maintain. The only true way to tell if your well water is safe is to have it regularly tested – the potential contaminants in water are invisible to the naked eye and may not even show up in taste or odor format, either.

At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, water well testing is just one part of our comprehensive well inspection services, which we’re happy to offer to water well owners throughout the year. As we enter the spring, a period where many well owners choose to have an inspection performed for several reasons, let’s look at why well water testing is important, how often it should generally be done, and the kinds of tests that our professionals will perform during these appointments.

water well testing frequency details

Why Testing Matters

Testing of well water is important for multiple reasons, each of which pertain directly to the quality of your water and lack of contaminants. For starters, it helps you identify any current issues present in the well, including contaminants present from a variety of potential sources.

In addition, it ensures your water is safe for drinking if it does not contain such contaminants. It also tracks how these elements change over time, plus helps you determine how effective your well’s native treatment system is – in many cases, testing identifies issues within this system that can be remedied for a more efficient, healthy flow of water.

Testing Frequency and Locations

Generally speaking, experts recommend that private water wells be tested at least once per year, if not more than once. In cases where your well is on the shallow end – less than 100 feet deep – it should be tested twice per year.

One important note on testing that our pros will also detail for you: It should be done both at the tap and at the original source. Performing both theses tests helps you understand if the treatment system within your home is working properly or whether there might be issues taking place within the transportation system.

Potability and Other Tests

The primary test our water well professionals will perform is called a basic water potability test, which identifies a number of potential contaminants and also a few other factors important for water wells. These include:

  • Coliform bacteria
  • Nitrate (particularly dangerous to newborn babies)
  • Ions
  • Sulfate
  • Fluoride (good in small amounts, but potentially dangerous in excessive quantities)
  • Total dissolved solids (the amount of inorganic substances dissolved in water)

There may be other tests we recommend if we find certain contaminants in your water, such as arsenic, selenium, uranium or various pesticides.

For more on water well testing frequency and details, or to learn about any of our water well drilling or rehabilitation services, speak to the staff at Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.