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Causes and Solutions for Water Softener Iron Issues, Part 2

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basics on why your water well’s water softener, which does so well against many contaminant types, tends to struggle with high iron content. Iron is a particularly fussy contaminant type, one that often overwhelms standard water softeners and requires additional solutions if water iron content is high.

At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we’re here to provide both water softening services and additional water well treatment solutions for those dealing with high iron content or any other major contaminant. In today’s part two, we’ll dig into the best solutions if your water has high iron content, including both contaminant removal and iron bacteria issues you may run into.

causes solutions water softener iron

Solutions for High-Iron Water

For starters, it’s important to understand how iron works in your water to grasp how you’ll deal with it. Water contains two primary iron types: Ferritic iron, also called red water iron, and ferrous iron, also called soluble iron. The former is not soluble and can be seen by the naked eye, while the latter dissolves in water, is invisible, and is far more complex to remove from water – doing so involves oxidizing the water before removal.

For many systems, the simplest solution here is an iron filter to your well water softener. Our pros will be happy to speak to you about such an addition, which features a chamber that allows water to pass through an oxidation section before being removed. In other cases, simply upgrading to the newest water treatment system is the way to go.

Iron Bacteria Issues

There’s one other issue to be aware of here, and it’s the possibility of iron bacteria, which feeds on the iron that forms in your water before it’s treated. In many situations, well owners may find that such bacteria has formed a layer on top of their water tank or even their toilets inside the home, making for an unsightly appearance and also risking several health concerns. In addition, iron bacteria may affect your water’s taste and quality, and may damage your pump and water softener.

For this reason, if you’ve had iron issues, we recommend a chlorine treatment for your well. For situations where wells are regularly having iron issues, a chlorine or ozone generator installation might be the best move.

Professional Treatment

One overarching theme is present here: If your well is dealing with significant iron content issues, the only proper permanent solution is professional service from our pros. We’ll assess the issue from start to finish and ensure your well and water supply are protected for years into the future.

For more on treating high iron content in your water, or to learn about any of our well rehabilitation or treatment services, speak to the staff at Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.