Today’s private water wells are a far cry from the old-fashioned wells your grandmother used – with their rusty handles and tin buckets. Thanks to modern technology and hydrologic engineering, well construction has evolved into a complex, data-driven process.
Despite these technological innovations, however, some people remain skeptical about private wells. They believe that these systems are plagued with problems, questionable quality and an unreliable water supply. Fortunately, that simply isn’t the case today. Here, we debunk three common myths about water wells.
Myth No. 1: Private Water Wells Are Prone to Drying Up
Don’t wells always run dry after they’ve been pumped clean? As well contractors, we hear that question quite a lot – and we’re happy to report that the answer is no.
A private well is drilled deeply enough to reach the aquifer below the property. An aquifer is much like an underground river that flows through the permeable rock below. Precipitation (in the form of rain and melting snow) and drainage from surface lakes and rivers continually replenishes the aquifer’s supply.
Because the aquifer is constantly refilled, the likelihood of a well drying up is very low. Most system owners never encounter this problem.
If a private system does run dry, it is usually the result of major drought conditions. Disturbances to the water table – through fracking or underground construction, for example – can also affect the veracity of the aquifer. Fortunately, these events are rare today.
Myth No. 2: Private Water Wells Are Less Reliable than Municipal Sources
Homeowners who ignore routine well maintenance may sometimes have issues with their system’s reliability. Left alone, a malfunctioning well pump, a leak in the casing, mineral build-up or other problem can cause lower yield and weak pressure.
However, private wells that are properly maintained are every bit as reliable as the municipal supply. With regular inspections and upkeep from a professional well contractor, wells can supply a steady source of water for generations.
Myth No. 3: Well Water Is Inferior to the Municipal Supply
Municipal utility companies issue annual reports documenting water quality. Some people take these reports to mean that the water is of optimal quality. What they may fail to realize is that many public systems allow a variety of potentially harmful chemicals and minerals to exist in the municipal water supply.
Though some people believe that well water isn’t as safe as the city supply, the reverse is true in most cases. Owners of private wells have more control over their output quality. With the right filtration and regular testing, water wells provide a clean, safe supply with fewer minerals and chemicals.
As an added bonus, water from a private system tastes great, too. In fact, most people say it’s vastly superior to the municipal supply. The pure, clear and pleasant taste leads many to kick their expensive bottled water habits.
Don’t let misinformation steer you in the wrong direction. The expert team at Mike Zimmerman Well Service, serving homeowners throughout Utah, southern Wyoming and all along the Wasatch Front, can give you straight facts on private water wells. To learn more, contact us today.