In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the common issues that may show themselves within your water well system. While proper maintenance should prevent most or all of these concerns from cropping up, there are some cases where they will make themselves known when the issue becomes significant enough – and you need to be able to recognize the signs.
At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we’re proud to offer quality well rehabilitation and repair services in addition to our water well drilling and installation solutions. We’ve seen every potential sign of water well issues taking place, and we know precisely how to get to the bottom of them and find you the most cost-effective solution. Here are a few other areas to keep an eye (and an ear, and a nose) on, plus what can be done about some of the issues these concerns may be signaling.
Use Your Senses
We mentioned sounds in part one of our series, but they’re far from the only potential use of your senses that might come in handy when identifying concerns with water wells. A few other senses to keep in mind here:
- Taste: We all know how clean and healthy water should taste, so if you notice a major difference here in your water – such as a metallic taste, which could signal high iron or manganese levels – there could be an issue.
- Smell: Water may also smell different than it should normally, such as a sulfur or rotten egg smell that may take place due to hydrogen sulfide entering the groundwater through decaying organic matter.
- Appearance: Water may look several unusual colors or hues, each of which might signal various particles that are present. If your water is any strange color, call our team and describe it to learn more.
Well Cap Issues
You should be periodically checking the top of your well casing, where the well cap cover should be properly covering the entire area. If it’s been damaged in any way, insects may make it inside and contaminate the water, leading to major issues. Confirm the cap is at least six inches off the ground, in proper working order and not being impacted by plants or other growths in the area.
Contamination Signs
Finally, there are several possible contaminants that may make it into your water if you don’t take the right precautions. Some of these and their common indicators:
- Salt: In a place like Utah where salt is regularly used on roads, salt can infuse into well water and impact its quality, impacting taste and leaving a residue behind. The most common indicator here is simply the recent laying of salt on the roads, after which you should pay close attention to your water.
- Hard water: Hard water from the well may signal groundwater seeping into the water supply, allowing various minerals and potential contaminants.
- Agricultural runoff: This is one area where signs are tough to pick up, as nitrates – the most common contaminants from agricultural runoff – are colorless, odorless and tasteless. This is an area that indicates the importance of testing well water regularly, as certain contaminants may not give off signs.
For more on possible signs of issues with your water well, or to learn about any of our well drilling or repair services, speak to the staff at Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.