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Why Soften Your Well Water?

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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Most homeowners and landlords keep an eagle eye on the household budget, but an often overlooked part of the bottom line is hard water. It’s tough (literally and figuratively) because if you’re used to hard water, you have no way of comparing it to its soft counterpart. You can’t taste or see the difference since the minerals making water hard—magnesium and calcium—are invisible and tasteless. However, the differences are clear when it comes to cleaning and bathing. Hard water leaves behind a residue on clothes post-washing, dishes, bathtubs and anything else it comes in contact with.

It builds up over time, so you probably won’t notice it after just one laundry load or shower. Water softenerQuietly, it shortens fabric life and fades colors from your garments, increases wear and tear on dishwashers and hot water tanks, requires more detergent and hot water, and demands serious elbow grease when cleaning sinks, tubs and showers. In the US, hard water is present in 85 percent of homes according to a US Geological Survey, so if you’re asking yourself, “Do I need well water softening?” the answer is probably yes.

Well, Yes, Hard Water is Hurting You

Well water is more likely to be harder than city water, which is why maintaining your well water and staying on top of well water quality is key. The American institute of Laundering determined that laundering and detergent costs double with hard water. You’re paying hundreds more each year just for hard water, spending more hours cleaning and unnecessarily making water heaters and appliances work harder (and wear out faster).

If you want to find out how hard your water is, all it requires is a simple test from Mike Zimmerman Well Service. We can install a well water treatment system that will save you many hours in cleaning and extend the life of your plumbing and appliances. However, don’t assume that once you’ve tested the water one time, that you’re golden. Water quality can change, which is why it’s important to test on a regular basis. An annual test, preferably in the spring or summer when you’re already in well maintenance mode, can ensure your water is the right degree of softness.

Leave the Curds for Cooking

When hard minerals mix with soap, nearly impossible to remove “curds” develop. That’s what you’re seeing on tiles, in sinks and on the rims of bathtubs. Simultaneously, these curds fight your soap’s natural alkalinity, which means the best cleaning simply can’t happen. No additive included in detergents can prevent soap curds.

Hard water means you’re signing up for an uphill battle, both in chores and in managing your budget. Soften up and the difference is astounding.