There are several areas where clients often wonder what qualifies as an emergency versus what can wait a few hours or days for attention, and water wells are a great example. While some minor issues in your well aren’t too severe and can be left for a small period until you’ve had time to arrange a repair appointment, others are significant emergencies that need to be attended to as soon as possible – how do you tell the difference?
At Mike Zimmerman Well Service, we’re happy to offer a variety of well services for clients around Utah, including well and well pump repairs – and we’re well aware that emergencies sometimes happen in this industry. Here are some examples of water well issues that qualify as emergencies, and what needs to be done to address them.
Water Discoloration
If you’ve begun to notice major discoloration in your water, it could be a sign of serious issues. This can be caused by anything from rust and sediment to algae or bacteria, which can make your water unsafe for drinking or even just using around the house.
If you notice discoloration in your water, shut off the well immediately and contact an emergency service like Mike Zimmerman Well Service. We’ll be able to assess the issue and provide the necessary repairs or maintenance to restore your water quickly – and safely.
Sudden Pressure Loss
If you suddenly experience a major drop in pressure from your well, it could indicate a serious issue with the pipes leading up from the well. In some cases, this is caused by a leak or break in the pipe, which can lead to major water loss if it’s left unattended.
Shut off your well immediately and contact us for emergency repairs if you experience sudden pressure loss. We’ll be able to assess the issue and provide the necessary repairs to restore your water pressure quickly.
No Water At All
If none of your taps or faucets are providing water, the issue could be with either the well itself or the pump leading up from it. Either way, this is a serious emergency that needs to be attended to right away.
In some cases, issues with pump damage will be the primary culprit. In these situations, Mike Zimmerman Well Service will be able to provide quick emergency repairs or pump replacements.
However, the issue could also be with the well itself. If this is the case, emergency services will be provided to attempt to locate and repair any leaks in the pipes leading up from the well – but if we’re unable to find a leak, it may be a sign of more serious damage.
Extremely Low Water Levels
If you start to notice a drastic drop in your well water levels, it could indicate that the well is running dry – which is an emergency situation. In this case, you’ll need to shut off the well and contact us right away so we can begin to assess the issue.
Our team will be able to evaluate your current water levels and take necessary steps to restore them – whether this involves running a deeper well, repairing the current one, or even relocating it altogether.
Strange Odors
Another serious issue to be aware of is strange odors coming from your taps. This can often indicate a problem with bacteria or other contaminants in the water, which may require immediate filtration and purification services.
If you start to notice strange odors coming from your taps, shut off the well immediately and contact us for emergency services. We’ll be able to test your water for contaminants and take necessary steps to restore it quickly.
Weird Sounds
This last area is one that’s a bit more nuanced – there are certain sounds that don’t really qualify as an emergency, but still need to be addressed quickly. These include strange clicking or clunking noises from your pump, which can indicate that it’s beginning to fail and needs repair or replacement.
If you start to notice these kinds of sounds coming from your water well, shut off the well immediately and contact us for repairs. We’ll be able to assess the issue and provide necessary repairs or maintenance to restore your well quickly.
Ultimately, the best way to ensure that your water well is functioning optimally and safely is by staying vigilant and keeping an eye out for any changes in performance, discoloration, or strange noises. If you notice something suspicious, shut off the well immediately and contact us for emergency services. Our experienced team will be able to assess the issue and provide necessary repairs or maintenance to restore your water quickly – and safely.
At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we provide a full range of services for all your water well needs – from emergency repairs to general maintenance and beyond. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you keep your Utah water well running smoothly and safely.