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How to Improve Your Water Well Yield

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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In an ideal world, your water well would always meet your household’s needs.

water well Utah

However, the reality is that your household needs may have changed since your well was drilled. Or you may not be the original homeowner for whom it was constructed.

Most families experience regular periods of high water use. During these peak usage times, which often occur in the morning or evening, your yield may not be sufficient to meet your demand. Fortunately, you can take steps to deal with a low-yield water well.

Reduce the Demand on Your Water Well

Does everyone in your family take their shower or bath in the morning? Or, perhaps you always run the dishwasher and do laundry in the evening. These types of use patterns can compromise your well’s yield.

Peak demands periods can often be addressed simply by changing the timing of your water usage. Spreading out these activities over the course of the day may be inconvenient, but it will help conserve your water. Work with your family to schedule showers, laundry and other water use.

Using less water can also make a big difference for a low-yield well. Installing water-saving appliances and plumbing fixtures will reduce the demand on your residential well.

Increase the Storage of the Water Well System

Adding storage to your residential well system can also help compensate for a low yield.

A pressure tank is one viable storage option. This type of system does hold some usable water but its primary purpose is to maintain pressure on the pipelines and keep the flow going to your faucets.

That alone may not be enough to deal with peak demand periods, however. In that case, you may want to consider an intermediate storage system, which is a storage reservoir located between the water well and the pressurized distribution system. An intermediate storage tank may hold a sufficient supply to meet a full day’s household use, effectively eliminating your low-yield problems.

Make Your Water Well’s Borehole Wider or Deeper

As a final alternative, you could opt to increase the size of your well’s borehole.

Widening the borehole can provide a dramatic boost to your supply. However, increasing the hole’s diameter can also pose a risk to your water quality. This approach will only work if your well has a relatively constant level of water, even during dry periods.

If your water levels fluctuate, deepening the borehole could work to provide your home with a larger yield. However, just as with widening, deepening an existing residential well can compromise water quality.

Making the borehole wider or deeper may provide a solution but it is typically more expensive than investing in efficient appliances and fixtures or increasing the size of your well. A professional contractor may recommend drilling a new well rather than attempting to modify an existing one.

If you are experiencing issues with your yield, contact Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today. Our professional team is experienced at handling all types of water well problems for customers throughout Utah and Wyoming.