Approximately 2.1 million private water well owners throughout the United States could be in danger of harmful arsenic exposure, according to research from the National Ground Water Association (NGWA).
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element, found in rocks, soil and groundwater. However, when the level of arsenic is too high – greater than 10 parts per billion – drinking the water can pose serious health risks. This element is known to cause cancer, and long-term exposure has been linked to circulatory issues, diabetes, nervous system problems, heart disease, developmental defects, and several other health conditions.
Arsenic Contamination in Utah & Wyoming Private Well Systems
Fortunately, Utah and Wyoming are not among the top states at risk for arsenic contamination. The NGWA study determined that harmful exposure is most likely in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, North Carolina, California, Maine, Texas, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Wisconsin.
That said, private wells throughout the Intermountain West may also be contaminated. According to a recent report from Environmental Science & Technology, about 4.2 percent of the water wells in Utah contain high levels of arsenic. In Wyoming, dangerous contamination affects 5.4 percent off the private well systems.
How to Know if Your Water Well Has Arsenic Contamination
Arsenic has no taste or odor, so water testing is a necessary to detect this element. DIY kits can detect contamination, but many well owners prefer to let a qualified professional handle this critical task.
Water safety and quality testing requires you to find a licensed, state-certified environmental laboratory – and not all labs are qualified to test for arsenic. In addition, for accurate results, samples must be precisely collected as instructed by the testing lab.
To avoid the hassles and potential mistakes, industry experts recommend professional testing by an experienced well services contractor.
Treating a Water Well with Arsenic Contamination
So, what if your water does have a dangerous level of arsenic? Professional well services contractors offer a number of treatment solutions.
Reverse osmosis, ion exchange, ultra-filtration and distillation devices can reduce the amount of arsenic in your household water supply. Pretreatments, including oxidation and chlorination, are often used to make these devices more effective.
Point-of-use treatments, installed at the faucets, can also effectively remove arsenic from your drinking water. For some private well owners, treating the water at the tap is the best solution.
Whether you’re worried about the level of arsenic in your private well, or if you simply want to have peace of mind and protect your family’s health, schedule a consultation with Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC.
With more than 30 years of experience maintaining groundwater wells throughout Utah and Wyoming, our expert team can test your private well for a full range of pollutants, including arsenic. If we do identify dangerous levels of any contaminants, we can recommend an effective treatment to restore the safety and quality of your household water supply.
For more information on arsenic contamination, or to schedule water well testing, contact Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.