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Where Should Your New Water Well Be Located?

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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New Water Well Location

Are you planning a new water well installation in Utah or Wyoming?

If so, you will – of course — hire an experienced, licensed well service contractor to do the work. Your contractor will help you choose the best location but, for a better idea of what a potential well site should look like, consider these guidelines.

Identify Potential Contamination Sources

When choosing a site for your private well, contamination sources are one of the first – and most important factors – to consider. All possible points of contamination on and near your property must be identified before deciding upon the new well’s placement.

Do you or your neighbors have livestock barns or fertilizer storage for croplands? Are any septic tanks or leach fields located nearby? What about petroleum tanks or landfills? Although these aren’t the only potential contaminants, they are the most common in our region.

Contamination can also come from land features, such as saltwater intrusion or natural deposits of minerals or metals. And, if any streams, lakes or rivers have ever flooded onto your property, your groundwater could be contaminated.

Your local health department can help you determine which contamination sources could be relevant to your new well construction.

Choose a New Water Well Site Far from Contamination Sources

It’s important that you locate your new water well far from any potential sources of contamination.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends, for example, that private wells be drilled at least 50 feet away from septic tanks, silos and livestock yards. Petroleum tanks and fertilizer storage should be kept at least 100 feet away, and wells should be placed a minimum of 250 feet away from manure stacks.

Ensuring a safe distance isn’t just a wise idea. Throughout most of Utah, Wyoming and the rest of the country, it’s also a legal requirement. So, before deciding on a well location, look into the private water well laws and guidelines that govern your area.

State and county government websites can be helpful sources of information about private well placement. A locally owned and operated well contractor, however, will know the specifics that apply to your location.

Place Your New Water Well on High Ground

Once you have identified the area of your property that are safe for your new well construction, identify the highest ground within the acceptable areas. As water naturally flows downhill, contamination is more likely to affect you if your well is not placed upslope.

A high location will also be least likely to flood, in the event of a significant rain or flooding event.

Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC is locally owned and operated, serving commercial and residential water well clients in Utah and Wyoming. Contact us today and let our experienced team help you identify the optimal location for your new private water well.