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Well Pump Replacement Costs: Location, Method and More

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic factors that play a role in determining the cost of a well pump replacement. Your water well’s pump may wear down before other components in the system and require replacement – and how much this will cost you will vary depending on several variables.

At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we’re happy to offer a variety of well pump service and repair solutions, including replacement of the component when this becomes necessary for your well. We’ll also help you understand exactly how much this service will cost depending on the qualities of your well and some other factors – which we’ll go over further in today’s part two of our series.

well pump replacement costs location

Location of the Well Pump

There are certain situations where the physical location of the well pump itself will either raise or lower the cost of a replacement for this component. The primary location-related element here involves whether or not the pump and well are buried.

In cases where the well and pump are buried, there will be more effort undertaken to locate the components, possibly involving some advanced tools and techniques. If the pump itself is underground, it will have to be dug up, which can take significant labor. These costs may add up and significantly increase pump replacement charges – but if the pump and well are not buried or are only lightly buried, the costs will drop correspondingly.

Other Components

Also at play here is the status of other components in your well, which is made up of more than just a pump. For instance, we’ll also look at your pipes and pressure tank – if these are both in good condition, this will limit the costs of your pump replacement to this area alone. However, if either of these areas are worn down or damaged beyond repair, they must be replaced as well, and the entire project will rise in cost.

Form of Replacement

Finally, perhaps the single largest variable at play here when it comes to the cost and convenience of a well pump replacement is the method you choose. Unless you have specific training in water wells and their components, we strongly recommend leaving these kinds of jobs to our professionals – while our costs will be higher than a DIY job up front, the potential long-term cost of sub-professional-level replacements is absolutely massive. When issues arise, how will you know how to remedy them? This is assuming you perform the installation correctly, which is a major reach given the specified training and equipment usage such a well pump installation requires.

For more on the factors that determine the cost of your well pump replacement, or to learn about any of our water well drilling or rehabilitation services, speak to the staff at Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.