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The Wisdom of Well Water Softening

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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For well owners, investing in well water softening services could be a marvelous idea. Well water that comes straight from the ground without the same treatments as water provided by a government-owned or private utility, often contains even higher mineral levels than standard water. If treated water can come loaded with minerals – specifically calcium and magnesium – well water can contain even larger amounts of these minerals.

Water SoftenerIt’s important to note that water containing an ample amount of minerals – or “hard water” – is generally considered safe to drink. However, the minerals lingering in hard water have a reputation for leaving stains on dishes and laundry and causing other inconveniences. Hard water is hard on plumbing and appliances like hot water tanks and dishwashers. Water filters might do the trick for removing minerals from small amounts of water but they’re not as efficient when it comes to softening larger quantities – like the amount needed to take a shower. Now, let’s get a bit more specific about why water softening can benefit those with well water.

Preventing Damage to Drainage Systems
Perhaps the most pertinent issue presented by hard water is its ability to ruin pipes over time. Calcium and magnesium can eventually form mineral deposits inside pipes and drainage systems and create clogs. In general, soft water flows through water conveying systems without causing any build up or clogs.

No Marks on Clothes or Dishes
Hard water used for cleaning can leave unsightly grey and white marks on clothing and dishes which defeats the whole point of cleaning in the first place. After well water undergoes softening, it will be far less problematic for household cleaning. Hard water stains form on tubs and in toilets as well, making them harder to clean.

Soap Dissolves Normally
Hard water and soap have a reputation for not working together very well. Soap doesn’t dissolve the same way when combined with hard water minerals that can lead to soap building up in household utilities like dishwashers or washing machines. Worse yet, a hard water shower can make an individual feel as though they’ve been coated with a film. Water softening can reduce the effect of hard water on the skin and appliances.

Not Necessarily A Source of Excessive Salt
One problem soft water presents is that sodium can be used to counteract the presence of other minerals. Because of this, the water could be harmful for people on low sodium diets. But many well water softening unites are now salt-free so that the drinking water remains sodium-free, while the water undergoes the softening process. The San Francisco Gate recently noted that potassium chloride can be used in lieu of sodium in the reverse osmosis process normally used to soften water.

An well installation and maintenance company like Mike Zimmerman Well Service should be able to test a well’s mineral levels and be able to quote how much a water softening unit will cost for an individual household. For more information, contact us today to see if having your home’s water system treated is the right choice for you and your family.
