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Texans Take Well Management into Their Own Hands

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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Texas Well Owner Network

Whether it’s well pump service and repair or water softening, everything’s bigger in Texas—and Texans like to do things their way. That’s why a private water well management course was offered compliments of the Texas Well Owner Network in February. Anyone interested and willing to travel to Navasota, Tex. is welcome. Plus, as a great icebreaker, attendees are encouraged to bring their own water samples for a complimentary testing.

Also collaborating on the project is the Ranchers Community Based Organization and the Texas Small Farmers group. The six-hour course is free and will take place February 5 at the Farmers and Ranchers Technology Center at Texas A&M’s AgriLife Extension Service campus. According to Drew Gholson who’s leading the course, “The TWON program is for Texas residents who depend on household wells for their water needs, so they can learn about improving and protecting their community water resources. The program was established to help well owners become familiar with Texas groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well maintenance and construction, and water quality and treatment.”

Who Needs a Well Inspection Then?

“Well”, you do if you have a personal well. This is a great program since every well owner should know the basic red flags to look for (and in some cases a few DIY skills, like water testing, are good to know), but nothing takes the place of routine inspections. However, just like knowing the basics of how roofing works, knowing the basics of well maintenance can help you spot a problem—and call in an expert in a timely manner.

This is just one of 30 planned trainings around the state as part of the Preventing Water Quality Contamination project. Gholson notes that, “The core content of this program is the same as other trainings, but the information is tailored to local water quality issues and aquifers.” In Texas, there are over one million private wells serving rural citizens. However, a lot of people aren’t sure how to care for their water source.

Cleaning Things Up

The Clean Water Act has provided funding via grants for the Texas Well Owner Network. Gholson says, “Private well owners are independently responsible for monitoring the quality of their wells. They are responsible for ensuring their drinking water is safe. This means they are responsible for all aspects of the water system (testing, inspecting, maintaining), and this training will help private well owners to understand and care for their wells.”

But if you’re not in Texas? Don’t worry. Your local well service provider wants you to know the basics of how your well functions. Ask questions, do your own research and most importantly schedule a maintenance check bi-annually with Mike Zimmerman Well Service.