For those who have never been through the process before, the drilling and installation of a new water well may seem like something of a black box. In reality, though, this is a relatively straightforward process, one that’s easy enough to understand once you’ve had it explained to you or seen it done – and for those considering such an installation in the future, learning about how well installation works will often be a valuable pursuit.
At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we’re happy to offer the very best in water well drilling and installation services in Utah, along with numerous related solutions like well inspections, well treatment and well rehabilitation when needed. We use a couple different water well drilling methods, the most common of which is rotary drilling that allows for access at a deep level and high-quality water. In addition to the actual drilling itself, however, what does the process of installing a new water well on a property involve? Here’s a primer on all the relevant steps.
Acquiring Proper Permits
First and foremost, before any significant work can be done, the proper permits must be acquired to allow for the well drilling in the first place. The permits required for your well may depend on a few factors, including the type and depth of well you’re considering, the city or town you live in, and potentially even the location of the well on your property.
This is one area where, right from the start, you see the value of working with quality water well drilling professionals. Instead of being left to figure out which permits you need and pore through pages upon pages of fine print, you can simply leave this theme to us. Our well drilling professionals know exactly which permits are needed for any well type or area we’re drilling in, and we have extensive experience filling out the required forms and securing these permits with no issues. We’ll confirm that all required areas are covered completely, ensuring there’s no risk of legal issues for your well at any point in its lifespan.
Location Analysis
Once your permits are squared away, the next major step here will be figuring out which location on your property is best for the well you require. This involves our drilling team visiting your property and analyzing several elements of its geology, attempting to determine which area will best hold groundwater while evaluating a few other factors in the process. For detailed information on how our team will select your actual well location, call us today.
Clearing the Space
Once we know where the well will be going on your property, it’s time to make sure this area is clear and clean for the drilling to be done. This involves clearing vegetation, plants and any other obstacles that may be present in this area – you can either remove plants or work to uproot them to another area of the yard, if possible.
One general tip here, which our team will also give you if you’re participating in the ground clearing process: Try to limit your tiling if you are moving or removing plants. This is because tilling can upset soil’s structural integrity, and this may lead to collapses during the drilling process that will slow things down and possibly increase the expense of the project. If you have any questions whatsoever about clearing your well space prior to installation, don’t hesitate to call our team.
Site and Equipment
One important task just prior to drilling day: Confirming that all the relevant equipment will be able to make it to the site. We’re talking mostly about certain drilling rigs, trucks and related equipment that is often oversized and is very heavy – not only do we have to confirm that there are no major obstructions blocking it from the property, such as power lines, trees or others, we also have to ensure that the ground is stable enough to support the weight of our equipment. This is a simple enough process that usually only takes a quick assessment from one of our team members.
Drilling Day
After all the above steps have been covered, it’s finally time for drilling to begin. Our team will come to your property with all our equipment and level the area so the rig can be balanced. Once this is done, the first drill tower will be raised, and the first rod will be placed down to begin the drilling.
The first layer drilled through is known as the overburden, comprised of dirt, rock and clay that’s near the surface. Once the overburden is broken through, the bedrock layer will be reached – this is the depth and which groundwater will usually be found. Throughout this process, our team will advance your well casing down as we drill, plus will place drill rods at periodic intervals until we reach the bedrock location. Finally, we’ll install the well pump once we’ve finished the drilling process.
Testing and Connections
Finally, once the well is drilled and the pump is installed, you will be able to connect the system to your plumbing. At this time, however, it’s vital not to gloss over water quality testing, which should be done before you use the well for any significant purposes. We’re happy to detail your testing options and the recommended testing formats as-needed.
For more on the water well drilling process and how it will work, or to learn about any of our water well services in Utah, speak to the staff at Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.