If you’re considering having a new water well installed on your property, one of the first things you may be wondering about is how the drilling and installation process will go. From precise timing needs to the various steps involved in this process, having a general idea of how well drilling and installation will be carried out is very helpful if you’re considering your options.
At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we’re happy to offer the very best water well drilling and installation services for clients around Utah. We’ll walk you through exactly what to expect when you come to us for well drilling and installation, including the basic stages that this process tends to require. Here are the main phases of a well installation, plus what to be thinking about within each of them regarding things like timing and more.
Before any kind of drilling or installation can take place, there are a few important steps to ensure that your well is viable and that the process can be completed as smoothly and safely as possible. These include:
- Identifying ideal well spot: We’ll use our expertise to identify an ideal spot on your property for the water well installation, considering safety factors such as nearby structures and other environmental factors.
- Permit acquisition: Depending on local ordinances and regulations, you may need to acquire a permit before any type of drilling or installation can begin. If so, we’ll help walk you through this process.
- Soil analysis: Before drilling or installation can begin, we’ll have to complete a soil analysis and check for any contaminants that could interfere with the water quality of the well itself.
In most cases, how long it takes to complete pre-installation for a well will depend primarily on the permit process. Some permits may take a few days to process, while others could take weeks.
Drilling & Installation
Once pre-installation is complete, the actual drilling and installation of the well can begin. This typically involves:
- Digging the hole: A hole will be dug on your property at the designated spot, generally around 4-6 inches in diameter.
- Drilling the well: A drilling machine is then used to bore into the ground, creating a hole for the well. The depth at which this occurs will depend on a number of factors including soil type and water table levels.
- Pouring base cement: Before the well itself can be installed, a concrete sealant is poured into the base of the hole to ensure that the well is secure and stable.
- Installing casing: Once the cement has been poured and dried, metal piping known as casing can then be placed in the hole for the well itself. This is used to provide more stability and keep out contaminants from entering your water supply.
- Installing final well equipment: After the casing is installed, the final components of the well – such as a pump and other equipment- can be added.
In most cases, drilling and installation of a private water well should take between one and two days. This can be impacted by factors such as bore depth and the overall complexity of the installation.
Once installation is complete, there are still a few steps to go through before your new well is ready for use. These include:
- Testing for safety & quality: We’ll run tests on your water to ensure that it’s safe and meets any quality standards set out by local agencies and other bodies. We also provide water treatment and other services to help ensure that your well is safe for use.
- Final paperwork: We’ll also complete any final paperwork related to the installation, such as registration and permits.
- Early use: We’ll also walk you through any steps you may need to take prior to using your well, such as letting the water sit for a certain amount of time before it’s used.
The post-installation process should take very little time – usually just a few hours after installation is complete. This will depend on exactly what type of testing and paperwork needs to be done in order to complete the installation.
Overall, private water well drilling and installation is a relatively straightforward process once all of the proper steps have been taken. With careful planning and attention to detail, you can have your new well up and running in just a few days with great results. If you need more information or assistance on any aspect of this or any of our water well services around Utah, our team at Mike Zimmerman Well Service is here to help. Feel free to contact us at any time for more information or assistance with your well project!