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Fall Inspection and Maintenance Tips for Water Well Owners

Four generations of experience installing, maintaining and
repairing wells throughout Utah and Wyoming.
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Fall is upon us, and for those who enjoy the numerous benefits of a water well on their property, that means it’s time to consider a few basic areas of maintenance for the well headed into the colder part of the year. Wells and water pumps don’t need much attention to keep working optimally, but it’s important to ensure no components are damaged or working improperly as you transition between major seasons.

At Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC, we provide a full range of service and repair for water wells, pumps and related components. Whether on your own (if you’re confident you have the skills) or with the help of our well water technicians, here are some basic areas to consider when it comes to fall well upkeep.

fall inspection maintenance water well

Hard Water Concerns

For property areas that contain hard water supplies, softening this water is important to rid it of minerals like lime, calcium and magnesium. These minerals can grow into large buildups that not only strain several mechanical components, but are also unhealthy for humans in large quantities and make several areas less convenient.

If you live in a hard water area and have not installed softening solutions, the fall is a good time to do so – before winter hits and makes this a bigger hassle. If you already have such a system installed, it’s important to check on it within your overall well and pump system at least twice a year, and the changing seasons are a good opportunity to do so.

Mechanical Elements

Over time, certain mechanical components of a given well may wear down or become damaged by a few potential sources. Defective components can lead to issues ranging from weird sounds to air pockets and even total pump failure in some cases.

The fall is a great time of year to check on whether any such issues have arisen with any part of the well during the summer period. When you hire our team for a simple inspection or repair service, we’ll perform pressure flow and water tank tests to determine these areas are functioning optimally. We’ll also check several specific parts for wear or damage, then give you options for repair or replacement if needed.

Annual Testing

In addition, fall can be the perfect time of year for your annual water testing, which needs to be done to determine water quality and any threats being posed to it. These tests pick up concerns like pest infestations, ground flooding and even deterioration of the well casing that may have taken place over time. They also help identify contamination like E. coli or Giardia, which require prompt treatment to ensure the water is healthy moving forward.

For more on important fall maintenance tips for your water well, or to learn about any of our water well repair or rehabilitation services, speak to the staff at Mike Zimmerman Well Service LLC today.